We Are All Individuals



We Are All Individuals written and directed by Nettie Brown, is a dark comedy with Orwellian undertones.

Dolly the sheep and her family lead a quiet life in the green fields behind the science institute where she was genetically engineered – until the government offer millions of pounds to fund psychological experiments on the flock. Could the herding instincts of sheep provide an insight into the ‘group-think’ mentality of mobs and rioters? After a series of sociological tests – will the sheep still behave like sheep or more like humans?

Cast List for ‘We are All Individuals’ PVADS Youth Theatre

Professor Wilmut             –              Daniel Smith

Charlie                                  –              Arlo Monro

Miss Crisp                            –              Katie Wakeham

Mr Campbell /Peng-Peng –              Max Richards

Dolly                                      –              Milla Callis Nicholls

Bonnie                                  –              Jazmin Buck

Rosie                                     –              Bertie Callis Nicholls

Lucy                                       –              Miranda Smith

Sandy                                       –              Ed Kendall

Darcy                                     –              Harry Marshall

Cotton                                  –              Jodie Harris

Molly                                     –              Tilly Goldsmith

Polly                                      –              Isabella Allen

Geep                                     –              Ned Callis Nicholls

Sam                                       –              Alfie Thorne

Journalists and Cameramen played by members of the cast.


Stage Manager                 –              Josh Pratchett

Lighting                                –              Rob Bottoms

Sound                                   –              Ben Bateman

Backstage                            –              Cheryl Callis Nicholls

AETF Woolstore Theatre, Codford 10th April 2015

Results:- Winners of Youth Award and adjudicators award.

Codford Festival – adjudicator’s notes. We Are All Individuals

Sonia Woolley, the adjudicator, was very impressed with the performance by PVADS Youth Theatre of this original play.

Sonia said that We Are All Individuals, written and directed by Nettie Brown was very topical. We are currently in the run up to elections and the theme of political ‘speak’ and manipulation in the play reflected both UK and world news.

Although it starts sweetly with sheep very effectively creating an image of a happy life in a field it really made the audience think.

It was skillfully produced and put together with a great sense of purpose. All cast knew their role, where to be and how to react.

All the sheep, despite looking alike, created different characters. The cast really believed in themselves.

She liked the choreography – especially the leaning away from Miss Crisp.

The cast was in control with all their movements and worked very well together as a very disciplined team.

The stage was very minimal but all the props were multifunctional. She loved the edible grass.

The costumes were very effective, just enough to define them as sheep, goat and dog without the use of masks.

All had clear voices and the director had obviously done a lot of vocal warm ups with the group.

The opening scene was very effective in setting a slightly sinister atmosphere to the play.

She made special mention of Daniel Smith as the professor who was beautifully spoken and authoritative. Dolly (Milla) put across a warm and caring maternal performance.

Geep (Ned) had lovely movement. Miss Crisp (Katie) was well organised with lots of text.

Mr Campbell (Max) spoken well but needed a bit more authority. Bonnie (Jazz) had a very powerful voice but needed to keep the voice lower when angry.

She loved the original musical composition and the singing but felt it could have ended with a strong gesture.


Overall a play which made us think and entertained hugely.



Nettie received a mail from the organisers saying how much they enjoyed the performance and how disciplined this young cast was both on and off stage. The team has also been invited back for a further performance and social evening at the Woolstore.


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