Black Comedy
Struggling sculptor Brindsley Miller (Chris Smith) and his fiancé, Carol (Anna Gent), are having a party with the aim of impressing Carol’s bombastic father, Colonel Melkett (Rob Bottoms), and millionaire Georg Bamberger. They hope the two men might purchase some of Brindsley’s sculptures. Without permission, they have borrowed the furniture and effects of their fussy neighbour, Harold (Steve Clements), to make their own flat more presentable.
Just before the guests arrive, the main fuse blows, plunging the flat into darkness. What follows is a frantic romp with unexpected visitors, mistaken identities, and surprises lurking in every dark corner! Only we, the audience, can see the action that ensues in the dark. As you might expect, the results are chaotic, disastrous “ and very funny, indeed!”
The following characters also star:-
Clea – Tracey Pullen
Miss Furnival- Sue Randall
Stu Jackson
Paul Hughes
Produced by Martin Clifton
Directors: Nettie Brown and Stu Jackson